Africa-centred Knowledges

Crossing Fields and Worlds

Brenda Cooper & Robert Morrell



Knowledge production is a highly political and politicized practice. This book questions the way in which knowledge of and about Africa is produced and how this influences development policy and practice.
Rebutting both Euro- and Afrocentric production of knowledge, this collection proposes a multiple, global and dynamic Africa-centredness in which scholars use whatever concepts and research tools are most appropriate to the different African contexts in which they work.


Highlights the need for syncretic knowledge systems which include knowledges, knowledge producers, and the intelligensia of the southern regions to be accepted as equals with those of the North. - African Affairs


Brenda Cooper is an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Manchester. She was for many years the Director of the Centre for African Studies and a Professor in the English department at the University of Cape Town, where she is now Emeritus Professor.

Robert Morrell is Coordinator of the Programme for the Enhancement of Research Capacity at the University of Cape Town.