An Ill-fated People

Zimbabwe Before and After Rhodes

Lawrence Vambe


The book is out of print.


This book is a testimony. Written in the first person, it has few footnotes, no bibliography, and a tiny index. But it does not need those forms of scholarly references, for it is not a research study. It is a personal history. Filled with anecdotes, character sketches, and observations, it is an exile's recollection of what has happened during part of his sixty-year lifetime to make his homeland what it is today, a pit filled with the terror of racial war.


[Vambe] can best be read as a primary source on ethnic relations, both for the version of the events he relates, and for the racial and ethnic attitudes he reports or expresses himself. - Pierre L. Van Den Berghe, American Anthopologist


Lawrence Vambe is one of the first generation black writers from Zimbabwe and has been domiciled in the United Kingdom for decades.