Barack Obama and African Diasporas

Dialogues and Dissensions

Paul Tiyambe Zeleza



An active blogger on The Zeleza Post, from which these essays are drawn, Paul Tiyambe Zeleza provides a genuinely critical engagement with Africa’s multiple worlds. With a blend of erudition and lively style, Zeleza writes about the role of Africa and Africans in the world and the interaction of the world with Africa. In the title essay, Zeleza analyzes the significance of the election of a member of the African diaspora to the presidency of the United States.


Exploring the complex cultural and political forces behind the election of Barack Obama, Zeleza provides an exciting springboard to examine the economies of knowledge and the politics of representation in Africa. - Mamadou Diouf, Columbia University


Prof. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza Vice Chancellor (President) of the United States International University-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, a position he assumed on January 1, 2016.