Black and White Rural Elites in Rhodesia

A. K. H. Weinrich



In 1968-9, while a lecturer at the University of Rhodesia, Dr Weinrich (aka Sister Mary Aquina) undertook part-time research carrying out an attitude survey among a number of Europeans holding influential positions in rural Rhodesia: district commissioners, extension officers, missionaries and farmers. She also interviewed a number of the emergent African rural elite: doctors, teachers, traders and so on. The book is divided into two parts and together the two parts present a study of Black-White relations in rural Rhodesia.


... this book has immense value as a crisp, if at times painfully satirical. indictment of capitalism, imperialism and colonialism-by-peopling-the-area which Zimbabwe African nationalists have chosen to term 'Settlerism.' - Eddison J. M. Zvobgo, Africa Today


Dr A. K. H. Weinrich was a professor at the University of Rhodesia who was forced into exile during the UDI period.