Blood on the Page

Interviews with African Authors Writing about HIV/AIDS

Lizzy Attree


Book not available in Zimbabwe.


The fourteen interviews in this book form an unprecedented wealth of material on authors' responses to HIV/AIDS in South Africa and Zimbabwe. They comprise a valuable archive which documents and contextualises the variety of views and opinions of different authors on their often ground-breaking choices in writing about HIV/AIDS. Each author ranks among the first to publish fiction on HIV/AIDS in their respective countries. These interviews are of particular merit as these issues have not been discussed at length with any of the authors before. Collectively they offer a unique range of approaches and opinions in response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in southern Africa.


Blood on the Page is a striking and important collection. Rarely has the brutality and complexity of the question of writing in a post-Apartheid African world haunted by death and illness been confronted with as much directness and honesty. - Sander L. Gilman, Emory University


Lizzy Attree has a PhD from SOAS, University of London and currently the Director of the Caine Prize for African Writing.