Colonialism and Violence in Zimbabwe

A History of Suffering

Heike I. Schmidt



Suffering, the experience of violation brought on by an act of violence or violent circumstances, is omnipresent in today's world - if only indirectly through global media representation. Despite this apparent immediacy, understanding how a person makes sense of his or her suffering tends to be fragmentary and often elusive. This book examines this key question through the lens of rural Zimbabwe and a frontier area on the border with Mozambique. It shows how African women, men, and children fashioned their life-worlds in the face of conflict.


An admirable collection of accounts of the history of conflict and suffering that have been an almost constant feature of life for the Valley's inhabitants as long as anyone can remember. - International Affairs


Heike I. Schmidt is Associate Professor in Modern African History and Director of Internationalisation at Reading University. Her passion for Africa began during a study abroad year at the University of Zimbabwe.