Displacement Economies in Africa

Paradoxes of Crisis and Creativity

Amanda Hammar


Book not available in Zimbabwe.


Large-scale displacement - whether caused by war, state-related political or development projects, different forms of political violence, structural crisis, or even natural disasters - evokes many stereotyped assumptions about those forcibly displaced or emplaced. At the same time there is a problematic lack of attention paid to those who benefit economically from, manage, or in various unexpected ways are affected by processes of displacement. An important contribution to a topic of growing scholarly and policy interest.


Displacement Economies in Africa breaks new theoretical ground as it examines the troubling question of displacement economies that result from Africa’s vast and apocalyptic range of upheavals, stemming from wars, misrule, ecological devastation, and allied challenges that confront its nascent nation-states. - Journal of Retracing Africa


Amanda Hammar is Professor of African Studies at Copenhagen University. She has worked primarily as a researcher since 1997, but from 1983 onwards worked in various aspects of social policy, rural development and local government reform in southern Africa.