Double Rainbow at Full Moon

Surviving the Collapse of Zimbabwe

B.A.K. Sim



Bodie and Clyde return to Zimbabwe in 2007, but the good times have departed. The country has the highest inflation in the world; people resort to suitcases and wheelbarrows, just to carry the money. Isolated from the rest of the world, they experience shortages of food, water and electricity, with endless line-ups for gas if any is available. The banking system is collapsing and only by trading on the black market are people able to feed themselves. To survive, Clyde's factory converts to producing ox-drawn carts. Governing party backed violence is worsening as a general election is called.


Beautifully written - an important contribution to history and politics. A powerful saga, told with humour and compassion, capturing common life during troubled times, bringing out the best and the worst in people. - Margaret Spark


B.A.K. SIM was born in Denmark, but has lived most of her adult life abroad. She has lived in 10 countries and was posted as a diplomat to Brazil, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, India and Zimbabwe. She knew the foreign service inside and out as she was trained as a Chancellor.