Hope Deferred

Narratives of Zimbabwean Lives

Annie Holmes & Peter Orner


  • McSweeney's
  • San Francisco, CA
  • 2011
  • English
  • Paperback
  • 304 pages


The situation in Zimbabwe represents one of the worst humanitarian emergencies today. This book asks the question: How did a country with so much promise — a stellar education system, a growing middle class, a sophisticated economic infrastructure, a liberal constitution, an independent judiciary, and many of the trappings of Western democracy — go so wrong? In their own words, Zimbabweans recount their experiences of losing their homes, land, livelihoods, and families as a direct result of political violence.


Hope Deferred might be the most important publication out of Zimbabwe in the past thirty years. — Harper’s


Annie Holmes is a writer and filmmaker originally from Zimbabwe. She worked in South Africa and the US before moving to the UK where she directs STRIVE.

Peter Orner is an American writer, and the author of two novels.