
History, Politics, and Power in Zimbabwe

Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni



What is distinctive about this book is its interdisciplinary approach towards deciphering the complex meanings of President Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe making it possible to evaluate Mugabe from a historical, political, philosophical, gender, literal and decolonial perspectives. It is concerned with capturing various meanings of Mugabeism.


It is not an easy book to read, mainly for stylistic reasons... the writing is clumsy. Given the significance of Mugabe, however, it is worth making the effort, hard though that is. - Bill Kirkman, The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs


Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni is Research professor and Director of Scholarship in the Department of Leadership and Transformation (DLT) in the Principal and Vice-Chancellor's Office at the University of South Africa.