Private Print Media, the State and Politics in Colonial and Post-Colonial Zimbabwe

Sylvester Dombo


  • Springer
  • London
  • 2017
  • English
  • Paperback
  • 277 pages


This book examines the role played by two popular private newspapers in the struggle for democracy in Zimbabwe, one case from colonial Rhodesia and the other from the post-colonial era. It argues that, operating under oppressive political regimes and in the dearth of credible opposition political parties or as a platform for opposition political parties, the African Daily News, between 1956-1964, and the Daily News, between 1999-2003, played an essential role in opening up spaces for political freedom in the country. Both newspapers were ultimately shut down by the respective government of the time.


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Dr Sylvester Dombo is a lecturer in the Department of History and Development Studies at the Great Zimbabwe University, Mashava Campus, Zimbabwe.