Strategies of Representation in Auto/biography

Reconstructing and Remembering

Kgomotso Masemola & Muchativugwa Hove



Strategies of Representation in Auto/biography investigates how selves are represented and reconstructed in selected auto/biographical readings from African literary discourse. It examines how such representations confirm, validate, interrogate and pervade conversations with issues of identity, nation and history. The focus on auto/biographical writings from southern Africa, specifically South Africa and Zimbabwe, offers a fresh reading of the work of significant figures in the political, economic and sociological spheres of these nation states. T


The contributors all are from southern Africa ably deploy both autobiographical and postcolonial theory in their analyses. Most also include sufficient political/sociological context to enable readers unfamiliar with this history to grasp the key critiques. - Choice


Professor Kgomotso Michael Masemola, PhD, is the Deputy Chair of the Department of English Studies at the University of South Africa. He is an active leader of the Africa Decolonial Research Network.

Muchativugwa Liberty Hoveteaches Literature in English and English Language in the School for Teacher Education and Training at North Western University in South Africa.