The Genesis of Violence in Zimbabwe

Father Fidelis Mukonori



Zimbabwe, a country in Southern Africa has been a scene of several levels of violence since 1879. This violence has reached alarming levels that are unacceptable. The violence has tended to escalate as the country approaches elections. But in order for peaceful elections to be held there is need to understand and discover the possible causes of such violent tendencies that have left a trail of murder, mayhem and gaping emotional wounds.


The book discusses ways and means of moving Zimbabwe from a culture of violence to a culture of peace and promote and optimise dialogue so as to achieve and consolidate peace, stability and security in Zimbabwe.


Father Fidelis Mukonori is currently a Priest for Chishawasha Parish and Principal of Chishawasha Primary Boarding School. He was appointed Executive Director of the Center for Peace Initiatives in Africa (CPIA) after serving for 12 years as a member of CPIA's Advisory Group of Eminent Persons.