The Milkman Doesn't Only Deliver Milk

Charles Mungoshi


The book is out of print.


Charles Mungoshi may be better known for his prose work, but he skillfully deploys his strengths there to reinforce his poetry, giving it the appearance of simplicity in its narratives and descriptions and rendering it subtle, imagistic, profound, and memorable. The Milkman Doesn't Only Deliver Milk exudes a freshness of imagery and expression and considerable astuteness of thematic exploration.


Beneath the veneer of simple narration and descriptions of people, scenes, and experiences, there is a sub text of deep meaning. He weaves portraits of characters and scenes which become memorable from the combination of the poet's strong descriptive power and simple use of language. - Tanure Ojaide, University of North Carolina, Charlotte


Charles Mungoshi is a writer from Zimbabwe. His works include short stories, poetry and novels in both Shona and English.