Trade Unions and the Coming of Democracy in Africa

Jon Kraus



In a continent often associated with civil wars, malnutrition, and corruption, Trade Unions and the Coming of Democracy in Africa uniquely tells of the preeminent role that African trade unions played in ousting dictatorships and bringing democracy to many African countries in the 1990s and 2000s. It relates how democratic trade unions in South Africa, Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Niger, and Namibia were critical in launching democratic changes through persistent strikes and demonstrations.


The strength of the book rests on the author's ability to comprehensively explore the historical, political and economic conditions for trade unions in various African democratic transitions...this carefully compiled and edited book is a "must-read" for all serious students of African politics and governance. - New Agenda


Jon Kraus joined University Advancement in 2015. He is Director of Development – Gift Planning and works with donors, advisors and university partners to explore options for making tax-wise gifts that can have the most impact possible on the university and our students.