
Struggles-within-the-Struggle (1957-1980)

Masipula Sithole


  • Unknown publisher
  • Unknown city
  • Unknown year
  • English
  • Paperback
  • 224 pages

The book is available as a Kindle.


This book is about the contradictions and infighting that occurred in the Zimbabwe liberation movement from 1957 to independence in 1980. The focus is on ZAPU, ZANU, FROLIZI, ANC/UANC, and the Zimbabwe Patriotic Front (ZPF), as well as the part played by the Frontline States in these contradictions. The book also discusses such tragic events as the death of Herbert Chitepo and others on account of the 'Struggle' and the 'Struggles-within-the-struggle.' The book is intended for both the consumer and producer of politics in Zimbabwe and beyond.


Sithole argues persuasively, and with privileged insight, overwhelming evidence, and analytical rigor that indeed the liberation movement was replete with contradictions that resolved themselves in a new form of unity (synthesis) as the struggle unfolds. – Professor Kwame A. Ninsin


Professor Masipula Sithole was a prominent Zimbabwean nationalist and political scientist who died in the United States in 2003.