Musha: The Shona concept of home
Aspects of Zimbabwe Architecture
Friedrich Du Toit
The Management of the Zambezi River Basin and Kariba Dam
Snakes and Crocodiles
Power and Symbolism in Ancient Zimbabwe
Thomas Huffman
The Soapstone Birds of Great Zimbabwe
Symbols of a Nation
Edward Matenga
Prehistoric Settlements in Southern Rhodesia
Towards Self-Reliance
Urban Social Development in Zimbabwe
I. R. N. Cormack
African Metropolitan Architecture
David Adjaye
Historic buildings of Harare, 1890-1940
Grassroots leadership
The process of rural development in Zimbabwe
Claude G. Mararike
Urban Housing and Everyday Life in Chitungwiza
Ann Schlyter
Historic Buildings of Harare, , 1890-1940
A town called Victoria
or, The rise and fall of the Thatched House Hotel
A sequence of time
The story of Salisbury, Rhodesia, 1900 to 1914
Early Zimbabwe
From the Matopos to Inyanga
Peter Garlake
The struggle with the river God
Frank Clements
Memory and Cultural Landscape at the Khami World Heritage Site, Zimbabwe
An Un-inherited Past
Ashton Sinamai
How The Tyranny of Specialists Destroy African Cities
Archimedes Muzenda
Aspects of Real Estate Theory and Practice in Zimbabwe
An Exploratory Text
Innocent Chirisa & Mike Eric Juru
I Will Draw A Map Of What You Never See
Endeavours in Rhythmanalysis
Anna Jäger, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Elena Agudio & Saskia Köbschall
Seeking Urban Transformation
Alternative Urban Futures in Zimbabwe
Davison Muchadenyika
ZIMBABWE: Art, Symbol and Meaning
Gillian Atherstone
Kariba - Legacy of a Vision
Jonathan Waters
GREAT ZIMBABWE: Reclaiming a 'confiscated' past
Shadreck Chirikure
Management of River Basins and Dams
The Zambezi River Basin
M.J. Tumbare
Land of Strangers
A Visitor's Guide to Danag'ombe, Naletale, Zinjanja and Bhila Heritage Sites, Insiza District, Zimbabwe
Paul Hubbard
Palaces of Stone
Uncovering ancient southern African kingdoms
Mike Main & Thomas Huffman