Duke University Press
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Lion Songs
Thomas Mapfumo and the Music That Made Zimbabwe
Banning Eyre
Lifebuoy Men, Lux Women
Commodification, Consumption, and Cleanliness in Modern Zimbabwe
Timothy Burke
Suffering for Territory
Race, Place and Power in Zimbabwe
Donald S. Moore
Unreasonable Histories
Nativism, Multiracial Lives, and the Genealogical Imagination in British Africa
Christopher J. Lee
Clothing and Difference
Embodied Identities in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa
Hildi Hendrickson
Islands of White
Settler Society and Culture in Kenya and Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1939
Dane Kennedy
Rumba Rules
The Politics of Dance Music in Mobutu’s Zaire
Bob W. White
Fighting and Writing
The Rhodesian Army at War and Postwar
Luise White