James Currey
No information available
Colonialism and Violence in Zimbabwe
A History of Suffering
Heike I. Schmidt
Zimbabwe's Land Reform
Myths and Realities
Ian Scoones
Are We Also Not Men?
The Samkange Family & African Politics in Zimbabwe, 1920-64
Terence O. Ranger
Violence & Memory
One Hundred Years in the Dark Forests of Matebeleland, Zimbabwe
Joann McGregor, Jocelyn Alexander & Terence O. Ranger
Bulawayo Burning
The Social History of a Southern African City, 1893-1960
Terence O. Ranger
The Front Line Runs through Every Woman
Women and Local Resistance in the Zimbabwean Liberation War
Eleanor O'Gorman
War Veterans in Zimbabwe's Revolution
Challenging neo-colonialism and settler and international capital
Zvakanyorwa Wilbert Sadomba
Colonial Lessons
Africans' Education in Southern Rhodesia, 1918-1940
Carol Summers
Writing Revolt
An Engagement with African Nationalism, 1957 - 67
Terence O. Ranger
Circular Migration in Zimbabwe and Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa
Deborah Potts
Remaking Mutirikwi
Landscape, Water and Belonging in Southern Zimbabwe
Joost Fontein
Killing for Conservation
Wildlife Policy in Zimbabwe
Rosaleen Duffy