Wits University Press
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Material Matters
Appliqués by the Weya women of Zimbabwe and needlework by South African collectives
Brenda Schmahmann
Migrant Women of Johannesburg
Life in an in-between city
Caroline Wanjiku Kihato
Gaining Ground?
Rights and Property in South African Land Reform
Deborah James
Selecting Immigrants
National Identity and South Africa's Immigration Policies, 1910-2005
Sally Peberdy
Symbols in Stone
Unravelling the Mystery of Great Zimbabwe
Thomas Huffman
Wangi Kolia
Coal, Capital and Labour in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1894-1954
Ian Phimister
After Colonialism
African Postmodernism and Magical Realism
Gerald Gaylard
Snakes and Crocodiles
Power and Symbolism in Ancient Zimbabwe
Thomas Huffman
I want to go home forever
Stories of becoming and belonging in South Africa's great metropolis
Loren B. Landau & Tanya Pampalone
Go Home or Die Here
Violence, Xenophobia and the Reinventi¬on of Difference in South Africa
Eric Worby, Shireen Hassim & Tawana Kupe
Three Plays
Dream of the Dog | The Girl in the Yellow Dress | The Imagined Land
Craig Higginson
Death and Compassion
The Elephant in Southern African Literature
Dan Wylie